En vindueskarm i Baines Wing.
A window still in Baines Wing.

Roger Stevens indeni, dårlig kaffe og frokost på caféen i Baines Wing.
A Roger Stevens Lecture theatre, bad coffee, and lunch at the café in Baines Wing.

Et hurtigt billede af Brotherton Biblioteket og langt bedre kaffe.
A quick snapshot of the Brotherton Library and much better coffee.

Vores English Society er kære.
How adorable our English Society is.

Det uhyggelige anneks under Brotherton West. Det virkede totalt sandsynligt pludseligt at finde et lig imellem de bevægelige reoler. SÅ GLAD for at jeg ikke behøvede flytte dem.
The scary annex under Brotherton West. It seemed totally likely that a dead body would appear between the moveable shelves. SO GLAD I did not have to move them.
Det her flyttet rundt på. Gæt hvad nogle har flyttet dem rundt til at forestille nu.
This moved again. Guess what some people have changed it into now.

Mere Roger Stevens, den forreste og de andre døre opad langs rækkerne (jeg
sagde jo, at dørene var smalle), og Edward Boyle Bibliotekets samling af danske film.
More Roger Stevens, this time the door at the bottom and the little doors up the seats - they are so very narrow, even if the first one is wheelchair-wide. Also the Edward Boyle Library's collection of Danish films.

Øllen både Cecilie og jeg bestilte da vi den 5. november ville se, om der var nogle bål og ikke fandt nogen. The Old Bar havde en øl-festival, så... Den her havde en kraftig smag af bær, har pludseligt glemt hvilket. Den smagte godt i begyndelse og i slutningen af glasset.
The ale Cecilie and I both ordered when we failed to find bonfires on the 5th of November. The Old Bar had all sorts of fancy ales and this one had a strong berry flavour, but I forgot which. It tasted good in the beginning and at the end of the glass.